Softball is an excellent sport for your kids to play to keep them fit, healthy, and active. Softball is a sport that has many similarities to the sport of baseball, with the exception of the size of the ball being used in game play. There are two main types of softball that kids and some adults participate in. Some people join slow pitch softball leagues and others join fast pitch leagues depending on their preferred style of play. Each type of softball has a different set of skills that need to be developed in order to compete at a high level.
Coaches for softball clubs are always on the lookout for effective drills that they can use to help their team learn new skills and become comfortable in using those skills in game play. One drill that many coaches incorporate into practice times is the relay drill. The point of this particular drill is to work on accuracy when players are throwing the ball around when on defense. You want to take the players and spread them out across the ball diamond about fifty feet apart. The team will need to make throws to each other in relay fashion. To make it more interesting, you can make it competitive with winners getting some type of reward. Another thing you might want to stress with this type of drill is that kids need to use proper throwing form in order for the throw to be complete.
One of the most fun drills to use for training softball clubs is the fly ball pop up drill. The main point of this drill is to help improve your team's coordination to help them improve their outfielding and infielding skills. The coach stands in the batter's box with a bucket of softballs. Have a player on the team stand in front of you and then start running toward the outfield. Take a softball and throw it high and far. The player must run under the ball and catch it using the proper form and technique. Another benefit of this type of drill is that kids are getting good cardiovascular exercise and conditioning.
Make sure that you saturate your practice time with lots of instruction and fun drills. The last thing you want is to make your team dread practice and end up causing them to drop playing softball. Softball clubs should not only equip kids with skills of the game, but also with skills they need to succeed in all areas of life.
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